"love the sinner, hate the sin"
I hate this phrase. It is so full of hypocrisy and judgement. Let me explain:
Posted by S. Mormon
I hate this phrase. It is so full of hypocrisy and judgement. Let me explain:
Posted by S. Mormon
It has been a crazy several months and I am so sorry that I bailed out so soon on this blog. I guess I thought I was writing my thoughts out only to be lost in the trillions of bites of information that can be viewed on the internet. After logging into this account, I realized there were a few people who did read my words. If they have been at all helpful to someone, that is good enough reason for me to continue.
This blog is aimed toward the LDS community (Mormons). It is NOT anti-mormon material. It exists because struggling Mormons exist. It is intended to be a support to the hundreds of us who feel like we are the only ones at church who struggle with our faith.
Every Sunday I will post an entry similar to post-secret which will include your fears, struggles, and doubts anonymously which I encourage you to send in.
I will also periodically publish my own thoughts and trials in my journey back to active-membership. Feel free to send in some of your own experiences to be published anonymously.
I hope that through this blog we can gain strength knowing that we are not alone in our struggles.
Send your postcards/experiences to coasmormon @gmail.com
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